Support and Healing
for Survivors of Forced
or Coerced Sterilization
Did you know you can receive up to $70,000 from the Healing Fund?
Healing Support Funds are available to Survivors to access healing supports such as grief counselling, Traditional ceremony, cultural supports, mental health and addictions treatment, recovery programs, fertility programs or other trauma supports and services.
Funds will also be available to eligible Group/Organization Applicants to support community-based or grassroots initiatives led by, or involving, Survivors of forced and coerced sterilization.
Who qualifies?
Any First Nations, Inuit, and Métis individual who has experienced forced or coerced sterilization, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, may be eligible for support.
What is Covered?
Individual eligible survivors can access up to:
$10,000 for healing supports
Mental Health Services (counselling, grief counselling, therapy, addiction recovery, etc.)
Cultural Support (ceremony, access to Elders, Traditional supports, Traditional Medicines, etc.)
Land-Based Healing
Physical Therapies (Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, etc.)
Wrap-around Services (supports necessary to allow applicant to access healing supports, such as transportation, respite care for family members)
Other supports (cost of medical records, etc.)
$30,000 for assisted reproductive technologies, including IVF or other fertility treatments.
$30,000 for community projects led by Survivors
How to apply
There is a process involved that can take time and may be a triggering experience at times. If you sign up to our email list below, a Survivor Support Worker will reach out. Support workers are also Survivors and will help guide you through the process with kindness and empathy.
You can proceed with joining the registry or apply to the Healing Fund if you already have a Survivor ID.
SIGN UP - Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on the work SCfRJ does and if you need support on the application process. (not required)
GET ON THE REGISTRY - Join the Survivor Circle Registry. This will give you a Survivor’s ID that is needed to apply for the Healing Fund.
APPLY FOR THE FUND - with your Survivor ID, you will need to complete the application form. You can apply as an individual or a group/organization but will need an Individual Survivor ID for both types of applications.
SUBMIT APPLICATION - By mail or email- Upon receipt of your completed Application, the Administrator will carefully review it and notify you in writing when a decision has been made.
Deadline is March 31, 2025.
Join our mailing list/Get support to apply
You can contact us directly if you need support to complete your application or have questions. Please call 1-877-386-0750 or email info@reproductivejusticehealingfund.ca.